
Showing posts with the label Wholesale distribution

Make local valuable or die in SMB Wholesale Distribution

Make local valuable or die in SMB Wholesale Distribution Relation between local small and medium wholesaler distributors and their suppliers and customers is a long story, based on mutual confidence. But today there are like a small island, where the storm will come in. They know what, but not always when. It is called BTB Markeplaces, such as AMAZON BUSINESS pure player on BTB. Recently Amazon Business entered the UK BTB Market bringing 100 Million articles and the free one day delivery . The temptation is there for wholesale customers, when you can have the same commodity product cheaper and faster, directly at your location, your long-time relationship might just blow away. In office suppliers, in industrial supplies, in High tech supplies, in Food supplies, everywhere for Small and Medium Wholesale distributors the danger is hot. In fact, this is harder than a storm, a storm is for a limited time, When a pure BTB market place like Amazon or Alibaba arrive, they Stay...

In Wholesale Distribution, The Return Is Your Best Opportunity for Sales & Customer Loyalty!

Frequently when speaking with operational managers in Wholesale Distribution, I ask, “What is your most important process to digitalize?” They respond, “The return process.” The distributor’s customers are continually concerned about the urgency of providing much-needed product and don’t want to lose time in sourcing additional orders in fear of lost business.  For the specific case of spare parts, and due to the urgency of repair, when multiple solutions for the repair exist, customers prefer to order all the possible parts to save time, and then return the unneeded parts afterwards. Eventually, excess stock decreases their available treasury on hand and valuable shelf space.  The new generation of wholesale customers do not like to keep materials or parts in stock without immediate use which negatively impacts their cash flow and inventory turnover. Therefore, the return process is still a traditional process, but remains complex, requiring ...

Ship to Company or to Warehouse?

What’s your business like? And the warehouses? Single warehouse right by the office? Multiple warehouses in various locations? these details are most important when setting the shipping address in purchasing documents. To ensure that the purchased goods arrive to the right place SAP Business One enables you to define whether to user the warehouse address or company address in purchasing documents: When selected, the address of the warehouse that appears in the first line of the purchasing document is automatically set as the “Ship To” address in the document. If this option is not selected, the “Ship To” address is the one defined in Company Details > General tab.

How Do You Ship? Set Shipping Type

Certain products must be shipped in cold temperature, others are very expensive and require secured shipment, and of course we cannot ignore the VIP customers located in distant or isolated areas – for them we hire delivery services from a specific company… many considerations and sometimes constraints dictate how we receive and ship goods. To comply with the various needs and options, SAP Business One enables you to define shipping types and assign the relevant shipping type to the respective business partner or item: When creating marketing document, the shipping type assigned to the business partner automatically populated in the Logistics tab. When adding items to the document, the shipping type assigned to the items is displayed in the rows, and if no shipping type was assigned, the shipping type defined for the business partner appears by default. If needed, you can change manually the shipping type in line level and document level for the specific document...

How can SAP Business One implementation increase the business revenue?

What is SAP Business One? SAP Business One is a business management software, designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning software which uses an integrated system to administrate the crucial aspects of businesses such as financial management, sales and customer management, inventory control, business intelligence, and analytics. The software offers industry-specific affordable and accessible solutions. The business solutions are precise and solve the immediate challenges faced by the SME’s. The industry-specific capabilities are: Retail : It helps consumers with products information and the personalized experiences they want. Harness point-of-sale insights and optimize the operations. Consumer products : It analyzes, plan and manages the demand for delivering consumer goods. Industrial machinery and components : Meet the customer demands, improve revenue flow by decreasing supply chain costs, shortening the cycle time ...