Managing Multiple Open Windows
One of the well-known advantages of SAP Business One is the ability to work with multiple application windows (forms) open at a given time. For example, you can create a sale order while looking at the customer master data and displaying the relevant price list, or review an invoice and it’s respective journal entry side by side. This is very convenient until the screen is too crowded with multiple windows open side by side and on top of each other. To manage efficiently your open windows, SAP Business One provides the following options in the “Window” menu: You can put all the windows in order by choosing “Cascade”. For fresh start, choose “Close All”, and if you want to keep working only with the currently active window choose “Close All But This”. If you want to bring a specific open window forward, you can quickly locate it via the list of open windows at the bottom of the “Window” menu. Click the relevant entry on the list and the respective window becomes the active one. ...