SAP Business one cost

SAP Business One Cost can be evaluated unless and until you help us understand your business and assist us to give you all valuable inputs so that you evaluate the great values your business have against the Price or TCO of SAP Business One.

Being able to get the same frequently asked question about the price and cost of SAP Business One, we at Globus Labs feel it necessary to make things available to our prospects so that they can get a better view in order to evaluate SAP Business One Price against its values.

SAP Business One Cost  - Purchase as a 1 Time Cost

SAP Business One user licenses are either Professional or Limited types, and each license must belong to a dedicated user. You don’t have to renew the licenses , its all about a secure one time investment on licenses.

Annual maintenance for bug fixes, upgrades, and patch releases to the software is covered through annual maintenance, a percentage of the total spent on license.

You need to have a dedicated server if you would like to go for on premise-implementation

SAP Business One Subscription Cost – Purchase through a Subscription/ on cloud

SAP Business One can also be purchased through a subscription.  Annual maintenance is included in the subscription price.  Again, each license must belong to a dedicated user. 

You can choose:

Subscription license for a Professional user.

Subscription license for a Limited user.

Subscriptions are prepaid annually for a one year commitment.  Most subscription licenses are purchased in conjunction with cloud hosting, which is an additional charge.

SAP Business One Starter Package - For 1 to 5 users only with few limitations on the core 
features of SAP Business One.

SAP Business One Starter Package includes accounting, sales orders, item management and 
purchasing but not service or manufacturing.  It is designed for start-ups and small 

Subscriptions are prepaid annually for a one year commitment.

SAP Business One Deployment

Install SAP Business One on your server, or through one of our cloud hosting providers. 
Unlike SaaS only applications, we offer flexible deployment options.  If you’d like, you can move between on premise or cloud deployments.

SAP Business One Implementation/Installation Cost

Getting your SAP Business One software installed and configured, your data migrated, and your employees trained are included in our implementation services.  We take a full business process approach to projects, we don’t just install software.  We want your business to run better as a result.

Unlike other applications, SAP Business One is not a disk that you plug into your computer in order to run.  It requires set-up, and to be done correctly it should be done by a certified SAP consultant.  Globus Labs-India, offers SAP Business One implementation, re-implementation, training and support services through our implementation and support agreements.

Other Costs – SAP Business One Add-Ons

SAP Business One covers 80-90% of what all businesses need in a software, including accounting, sales, CRM, purchasing, item management, production, projects, fixed assets, and service.  Add-on products are developed by third party companies to cater the need and complexities of growing Business.  There are over 500 add-ons for SAP Business One, including payroll, advanced manufacturing, bar coding, shipping integration, credit card integration and much more.  These add-ons are priced separately.

Finance your SAP Business One solution

Finance the cost of licenses, hardware and implementation into a monthly payment through one of our leasing partners.

Contact Globus Labs for SAP Business One Pricing.

With so many options, it helps to discuss your business scenario before providing a price.
Our trained staff can qualify the SAP Business One solution, and help ensure all your requirements are met. We will find an accolade to assist you further qualify the  price of SAP Business One against its values so that you evaluate and make valuable decision for your growing business.


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